Sunday, January 24, 2016

About Me

My Name is Zihuang Li,from China.My friends like to call me Amber because it's much easier than 'Zhihuang'. I have a master degree in Landscape Architecture and now I'm specialize in Land & Property Development. If everything goes well, I hope I can graduate in May 2017.

I like watching movies, cooking and travelling in my spare time. My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. The actor's line, 'Fear can hold you prisoner, Hope can set you free.' inspired me a lot. I like cooking a lot and I think I'm good at cooking Chinese food mostly. I have been most of the province in China and some place in America. There is  not a place I like mostly because I like the feeling on the way most. 

As my undergraduate degree in Landscape gardening and my master degree in Landscape Architecture, I'm interested in design. However, I believed in MLPD I could have a new scope as a developer to do planning and design.

As I mentioned, I would like to know more about development. This class, in my opinion, could give my some knowledge about things like cash-flow, finance, economy, investment, etc. I also would like to learn how to think and make decisions as a developer, not just as a designer.

My short term career goal is to find a internship this coming summer and could find a full-time job in a development company after graduate. In 5 years I hope I could do well in this area. My long term career goal is to be a successful developer. Now I don't have a goal to have my own development company but maybe I will in the future.

I think there is nothing truly unique about me. If must say something, I will say I practiced Ballet for 8 years in my childhood but I remember little now.

Now only one thing on my Bucket List is to try parachute jumping once. To me this is a big challenge because I have serious acrophobia.

My favorite sites is I love YouTube because I could learn everything on it.  

(12/12/2015 Disneyland, Florida)

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